Personal Safety Tips
Before I get accused of scare-mongering, its important to note that the chances of a rape attack remain small. There were six attacks throughout the year, spread amongst the population of Southgate borough, which is certainly a cause for concern but not a call to stay locked up inside our homes. Get a personal safety alarm, ensure that when walking at night you are not alone and stay vigilant.
In the awful event that you ARE accosted I found a site that offers some useful advice:
What To Do If Attacked.
Do Not....Kick your attacker in the groin. Your assailant 's body will have undergone many chemical changes; adrenalin will be pumping, blood will be sent to the areas he may need to use (eg arm and leg muscles) and so on. He will probably react with rage rather than pain, if he is hurt down there.
Any defensive attack on your assailant should be aimed at his boney bits...Shins, Nose, Elbows etc.
DO...Imediately you sense danger .....Shout: "Stop. Stay Away!" Repeat as often as necessary. Get out your alarm and be ready to use it. If he still approaches you, activate the alarm.
DO...If grabbed....Shout "No, No, No!" as loud as you can. Activate your alarm and, if possible, shove it in his face.
DO...If grabbed from behind...shout as above and scrape the edge or heal of your shoe down his shin, raking his flesh from knee to ankle. Follow through by grinding your heal into his foot.
The intention is to distract him with pain so that you can break free and run for help. Believe will work! Activate your alarm and continue shouting.
DO NOT shout passive, submissive things like, "Help Me" or "Save Me" This conveys weakness to your attacker and may intensify his attack. Instead, shout agressive, commanding phrases such as "No!", "Back off!" or "Get Off Me!"
Unfortunately, there are too many possible scenarios for me to cover here. I suggest that you contact your local police or crime prevention panel, and ask if they run personal safety courses. Many do, and they are inexpensive (or free) and provide some invaluable knowledge.