Because we care....

Monday, May 31, 2004

The garage saga continues

Just as a by the by and to add a certain frisson to forthcoming discussions, the garages were set on fire at the end of last week. Four fire engines trundled to the scene, successfully dousing the flames. No major damage was done but it could have been a lot worse. I wonder what needs to happen before the council finally decides that maybe security should be tightened up......

Calendar function kaput

Just a quick note to say that the Calendar function is currently down. The company that provides this service had a Hard Drive failure over the weekend and lost a bunch of stuff, which they are now in the process of recovering. With luck it should be back by Thursday.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Neighbourhood Watch re-launch party

Pamela at No.63 (I think!) has kindly agreed for us to trash her house on the evening of Monday 14th June currently set for 19:30 onwards. This is to formally re-launch our Neighbourhood Watch scheme, promote this website, distribute hardcopies of a revised Newsletter and answer any questions you may have.

In addition I am attempting to arrange for the Development Manager of Acton Housing Association, Mr Nigel Lomax to attend as well to talk about the proposed Pruden Close re-development. He gave me a verbal confirmation at last weeks meeting but I will contact him to make it official.

So bring a bottle, a sense of humour and a bunch of questions and and I look forward to seeing you all there!

PS: I was of course kidding about trashing the place.... ;-)

Pruden Close Re-development

Here is one of the proposed new buildings in the Pruden Close redevelopment.
This picture was supplied to me by the architect concerned at the recent Pruden close forum.

As I have posted earlier, the existing sheltered housing blocks will be demolished, together with the garages (hurrah!!) and replaced with 17 2-bedroomed flats to be populated by key workers as defined by Enfield council (doctors, teachers, police etc.) on a shared ownership scheme and 2 3-bedroomed houses which will be rented. The existing sheltered housing residents have all been relocated.

The designs are nice and we are promised that NO trees will be demolished. So as far as it goes, assuming no dramatic changes happen during planning permission discussions, I think we can give this the thumbs up.

However there are issues for Mayfield Avenue residents that need addressing as our road is the only way in and out of the development site:

1. While Acton Housing association waits for PP the council MUST seal off the garages, with barbed wire, concrete blocks, sherman tanks or whatever to help prevent its current use as an adventure playground for the local youths from getting out of hand.
2. Once PP has been approved Mayfield residents must have regular communication with the building contractors to ensure truck deliveries are handled sensitively and are known in advance.
3. We would like to see acknowledgement that work will not go on into the night, that weekends are respected, that any spillages on our road is immediately cleared up, that deliveries are done in batches posted well in advance rather than a constant stream of trucks coming up and down the road.
4. We would like assurance that the site will be well secured during the night/weekends as we dont want to attract hoardes of treasure hunters and youths letting off steam.

And I am sure there are other concerns I have missed. Bottom line we know that disruption is unavoidable, what is important is that the builders work with us, the residents, to minimise this as much as humanly possible.

Still, it looks like finally we will get rid of the garages at last!

 Posted by Hello

Friday, May 21, 2004

Re-design complete

Okay, so I think the redesign is pretty much done for now. There are a couple of extra features I would like to include but I'll save them for later to keep the suspense going and also because I haven't a clue how to implement them ;-)
ciao for now
PS: Yes I agree, my profile picture sucks big time.... it will be changed VERY soon!

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Hi all
AS you can see I am having a bash at re-designing the website and in particular, enabling a facility to upload photos. For the next few days this site will look a little strange for which I apologise but hopefully it will be worth it!
ciao for now

Lest we forget, this is what the Garages at the end of Mayfield look like. Anyone need some boxes? Posted by Hello

Strange Mercedes woman....

Apparently there is a woman in the area who drives around in a large silver Mercedes. She tries to befriend people and get information from them about people who live in the area. She may try to sell carpets (!).

On one occasion she followed someone home and managed to persuade the lady to let her in (for the love of God.....). She then asked her if she wanted to sell any furniture (??). The female is described as about 45 years old, heavy build and wearing glasses. She may have two girls in the car with her aged 12-15 years old. These incidents have taken place in the Enfield town area.

If you hear about any similar incidents can you let Dave Austin know at: (control room No. 020 8807 1212)

Residential burglaries

There have been a series of burglaries around Palmers Green BR Station. The suspects gain entry from the rear of the premises and then smash a window to gain entry.
There has also been a problem in the Oakwood area where the suspect generally climbs on to the garage roof and then smashes a side first floor window to gain entry.

Advice? Make sure you get a house alarm fitted and have a good look at your garage/rear extension. If you feel access could be achieved by either means ensure you have passive alarm sensors installed in key bedrooms etc. as well as downstairs.

As a by the by, I would suggest using either monitored alarm systems or ones where the system can be setup to automatically call a list of telephone numbers (your mobile phone for example) with a pre-recorded message in the event of activation.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Update on Garages at bottom of Mayfield Avenue

So I haven't as yet got any news from our Environmental Crime officer, Mr Bryant, but I did get an interesting phone call from Terry Smith last night.
He said that he has information that confirms the following:

1. Acton Housing association has formally won the contract to redevelop the garage area
2. The garages and one sheltered housing block will be demolished
3. 17 one-bedroom flats will be built and sold at a discounted rate to KEY WORKERS, as part of the Government scheme to encourage nurses, teachers, etc. into London.
4. 2 three-bedroomed houses will be built and rented out to key workers.

There will be a forum held in May to discuss the development for Pruden close and neighbouring residents and I suggest that those of you interested should attend. The details are as follows:
Date: 28th May
Time: 17:00 - 19:00
Venue: Common Room, Pruden close (anyone know where this "room" is??)

When this development will start is a question I will be asking and if it is not for some time I will reiterate the need to block the garage area off. Anyway, given that this site was going to be developed, I am very happy to see the type of people they(the council) intend to attract as it could have been a lot, lot worse.