Because we care....

Sunday, March 21, 2004

The Council garages: an update

The garages at the end of Mayfield Avenue have rapidly degenerated into a lawless piece of no-mans land. No one seems prepared to take responsibility for the area, ownership of which continues to be batted between Acton Housing association and the council, and meanwhile the rubbish just keeps piling up.

If anyone wondered where the local rat community are gaining sustenance, look no more, if you fancy a red velour three piece just get yourself over there and take your pick, if you are feeling a little frisky rumour has it that the garages are fast becoming a popular haunt for parked cars with perspiration coated windows and yesterday (Saturday 20th March) morning you had the chance to set yourself up with a Telewest broadband connection by rifling through the trashed Telewest van that had been dumped there overnight.

I kid you not.

By the way, if you want to read a bit more about Acton Housing Association who are apparently aiming to redevelop the garages into 19 apartments (17 2-bedroomed and 2 3-bedroomed) you can read about them on their own website here.

To be honest, flippant as this article is, I’m pretty angry about the state of affairs. The rubbish down there is simply disgusting and the trashed Telewest van made the area look like a scene from an episode of the Sweeney (hopefully that is not revealing my age too much). I have some pictures if anyone is interested, I will be contacting Chris Chessam, the Pruden Close Manager to seek his views and will forward my thoughts on to Terry Smith who has proved helpful in the past.

This isn’t over by a long shot.


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