Because we care....

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Burglary alarm Cold caller

An individual in Palmers Green was cold called by a male stating he was from UK alarms and then added Chubb security systems. She initially made an appointment (in the name of God, why???) but then thought it a bit strange that the male had left no contact details (surprised? no neither am I). The male called back the day before the appointment and refused to give any contact details stating that he was in a call centre. When the lady again asked for a contact number the male put the phone down. Chubb alarms do not cold call and there is no trace of UK Alarms on directory enquiries.

I have commented about cold callers before but its worth repeating.

Do not accept ANY Cold callers. Period. Even if you are interested in what they are trying to push. At the very least insist on some literature, website address, contact number etc. and say that IF you are interested you will call them. Then shut the door and go and make a cup of tea safe in the knowledge that you have potentially avoided a whole heap of trouble.


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