An apology + plea for help
So as you have all no doubt noticed, this site has been deep frozen since July. The problem is one of time, or rather lack of it. I am really sorry that I have been unable to give this site and indeed the neighbourhood watch program the attention it really deserves, but unfortunately my own work has kind of taken over my life.
However there is so much going on, particularly with the forthcoming CPZ (why should residents with offstreet parking need to pay for a permit??) and the new development at Prudens close, not to mention the recent knife attacks in nearby Wood green & Edmonton that we really do need an active Blagdens Lane-NHW.
The local authorities, local police etc. all work best when they have ONE single point of contact to work through that they can build a relationship with. When they get inundated with queries they without fail fall back to an official stance of minimal information. Get one person to develop a strong relationship with key contacts inside however and invariably useful information can flow.
So, what we need is:
1. Someone willing to be that point of contact,
2. Someone willing to be conduit through which information flows,
3. Someone willing to attend local meetings,
4. Someone willing to host quarterly NHW meetings for local residents,
5. Someone willing to be our representative, take our concerns and run with them.
I am more than happy to support that person by maintaining this site, taking the information they want to distribute and posting it and also preparing and printing a regular newsletter. I can also attend the odd meetings as required and help establish links with other NHW sites, such as Southgate Green. All this I can do, but I just can't be the Head.
If you think you could be that person or know someone who you think fits the bill, please let me know by sending me an email (I have re-activated the Blagdenslanewatch email) or posting a comment at the bottom of this message.
Apologies once again but I hope through this exercise we can resurrect our NHW and make it a stronger and more stable entity than recently.
Kindest regards
Anthony Newstead