Telephone Mast
Just got a letter from the council referring to a planning application for a telephone mast opposite 55 High Street. We have 14 days apparantly to lodge a complaint. If anyone is still looking at this site (and i'd understand if noone is as I've had to give up updating it) then I suggest we get writing quickly.
1. Its going to be 13 metres high, so will be an eyesore
2. Its in the boundaries of a conservation area
3. Its close to family homes with children who will be subjected to intense Pulse radiation every moment of every day for those that live near it (Mayfield and the Meadway) and those who walk past it every day to for example Walker school which is also in its vicinity)
4. As I say, its close to Walker Primary school
If having a building site at the bottom of Mayfield was not bad enough, now this...sheesh.