Because we care....

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Home Protection advice

This was in the latest newsletter and unusually I had omitted to post it on this site:

Dave Murphy, a local Crime Prevention Officer, had some advice for residents at a local police meeting.
Tip 1
Motion sensor activated garden lights are going out of fashion these days as people get fed up having anxiety attacks over curious foxes etc. triggering the lights. He suggests using instead “Dusk till Dawn” lighting that comes on automatically at night and stays on until dawn.
Tip 2
Cut back front garden fauna, to avoid providing hiding places for nefarious individuals. Additionally, around the back, put trellis work on top of fences and throw in some thorny greenery for good measure, anything to make life awkward for the uninvited.
Tip 3
When you get someone at the front door claiming to be from a utility firm to read your meter etc. ask him what your account number is. If he’s genuine he’ll know (keep a copy of you’re a/c details near the front door as a reminder for yourself). Also some firms will provide a password system whereby the guy must know a password you have agreed with the firm. DO NOT simply accept an identity thrust in your face, even I can fake one of those.
Tip 4
If you have a rear extension that is climbable, ensure bedroom windows have locks and your house alarm has a passive sensor in the bedroom.
Tip 5
Make sure you have a chain lock or something similar so that you do not have to open the front door wide when answering the door. He thoroughly recommends a lock called DOORDEFENDER, which attaches on the Hinge side of the door and makes it impossible for someone to push the door open. It costs around £50 and can be ordered from a company called 1st Secure, details are as follows:
Product Website: DoorDefender
1st Secure Enquiries: 0121 7465040
1St Secure Order line: 08708 502111


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